, the official webpage of “Melting Pol”
….aka Paul Schumacher was born in 1965 in Luxembourg (Europe) where he lives and works
SHORT BIO : Paul is a visual artist since 1995, as a pioneer of VeeJaying, he has been filling the screens at multiple parties, concerts, festivals, theatres. He becomes quickly the initiator and producer of his own audiovisual shows, he likes the collaborations with musicians, sound designers and other artists. From 2001 on, participations in art exhibitions with video and light art installations. Since 2010, he integrates the new technologies of video mapping in his live performances. The projection on the organ at the Philharmonie de Luxembourg and on the facade of the MUDAM were creations of 2016. In 2017 & 2018, the MagiCastle Nights at the ruins of a fortified castle. In 2019 on the facade of the abbey of Echternach as part of the Echterlive festival. The ceiling of the oldest church in Luxembourg-city was the projection screen in the LuxLumen project for 25 years - Unesco World Heritage in 2021. Final Documentation, a project for the European capital of culture - Esch 2022, showing the history of the ancient industrial site in a short lapse of time on two 40m high chimneys.
“VeeJay” since 1995
NB: « VeeJay » stands for a video artist who is mixing film sequences in real time. The sequences have been previously searched for, shot and preselected and then projected on big screens. The « mix » of images, often arranged around one leading theme, vibrates to the rhythm of a DJ music performance or to the live music of a band.
The first appearance as an artist is marked by several video documentary projects for theatre performances, concerts and different art exhibitions. Beside, Melting Pol was also noticed during his (ir)regular participations at shows such as concerts, festivals or techno parties for his live video projections as he literally dresses up the screens during his performances. At this time he was a pioneer in this new art form, the « VeeJaying », until now he still likes to do visual performances together with all kinds of DJ’s and musicians.
In order to reach further, while remaining faithful to his vocation as a VeeJay, he often collaborates with musicians from different borders (techno, house, drum n’bass, jazz, rock,…) as well as artists from other disciplines on specific projects for art galleries, cinemas, theatres, etc. Thus the live video performances represent original productions around a particular theme or subject where the atmosphere or the visual frame is mostly created with the help of several video and slide projectors and television sets.
Originator, conceiver and producer of his own audiovisual shows, which have as a starting point the music with a specific succession of the musicians, combined with VeeJay-performances. In these multidisciplinary events slide projections and/or live painting take an additional part. For the most part, these interactions between the artists (music-music, music-video, video-airbrush, airbrush-music, music-slides, slides-airbrush, airbrush-paintings, etc.) take place in real time and contribute to the exchange between the artists. « Melting Session 4 » took place at the Philharmony of Luxembourg in December 2009, this common project with the release of the « Bloe Baaschtert » CD sampler : « The Cell(o)division » was sold out weeks before the date. The last event of this series, « Melting Session 5 » with 10 musicians and more than 20 dancers took place in january 2015.
Installations and exhibitions since 2001
His artistic career is marked by a vast number of projects and requests bringing him to different horizons such as the video installations: often combined with other disciplines and materials like lighting projects. He was also initiating and creating a number of group exhibitions.
Unlike the video, which at 24 images per second is fleeting in its very nature, stone sculpture and its enduring nature has seduced the artist after 15 years of experience in video making. He has started an ambitious project in this new medium. The first stages of realizing « Lapidarium,» research included, began in 2008 and continues up to the present moment.
Film business since 2004
He works also in the film-business as location scout, location manager for feature films and as production manager for documentaries and short films mainly for the Luxembourg-based production company Samsa-Film.
Plemm Plemm Soundsystem since 2010
His love to music in general, especially for Reggae music, Melting Pol forms since 2010 together with DJ Steve R.I.O.T. and Carlos aka TiVi the "Plemm Plemm Soundsystem". They follow a multitude of engagements in different places beside their own events organised mainly in the Beaufort based club "The Flying Dutchman".
Videomapping since 2014, selection
Pol is following the new trend in video projections in his latest projects, the videomapping, projecting on 3D-objects, buildings :
2023 Melting Session 11 / Nuit de la Culture / création pour le socle du Haut-Fourneau C à Belval
2022 Melting Session 10 / création pour l’intérieur de l’église de Lasauvage
2022 Mosel, Licht und Flammen / création pour le bâtiment Bernard Massard de Grevenmacher
2022 Final Documenation / Esch 2022 / création pour deux cheminées au Belval
2021 Mamer Schlass / création pour le château de Mamer
2021 LuxLumen / création avec Sight & Sound Quartet pour le plafond de l’église St.Michel
2019 Lycée du Nord 50 ans / création pour l’anniversaire du lycée à Wiltz
2019 Glowing Memories / Echterlive 2019 / Abbaye Echternach / création avec Sight & Sound Quartet
2018 De Maacher Fakelzuch reloaded / création pour l’église de Grevenmacher
2017 & 2018 MagiCastle Nights / création pour les ruines du Château-fort de Beaufort
2016 Melting Session 8 / Winter Lights / création pour la Bibliothèque Nationale, Ville de Luxembourg
2016 Melting Session 7 / Mudam 10 years / création avec Sight & Sound Quartet
2016 Melting Session 6 or Melting Organ / création pour Philharmonie Luxembourg, Grand Auditorium
2015 Melting Session FIVE / creation pour Mierscher Kulturhaus & opderschmelz Dudelange
2015 Odo Sonoritas / création pour festival à l’église de Stolzembourg
2014 Wednesdays @ Mudam performance vidéo mapping & musique live avec Man’OK
Theater, dance & more, selection
2023 Schwarze Spiegel (théâtre) création vidéo - TNL
2022 Choreochroma (dance) création vidéo - Lucoda, Esch2022 - Belval, Schifflange
2022 Die Maschine steht still (théâtre) création vidéo - Esch2022 - Belval, Schifflange
2019 & 2020 Amygdala Hijack création vidéo Fête des hauts fourneaux & Bourglinster & Bananefabrik
2018 Rave The cube Live vidéo-mapping & VJ au Cube Belval
2017 & 2018 Blackout (théâtre) création vidéo pour « ILL » Théâtre des Capucins, Kulturfabrik & Prague
2015 & 2016 Visions (théâtre) création vidéo pour « ILL » Kulturfabrik & Bamhaus
2014 - 2016 D’Fatzbeidelen (théâtre) création vidéo pour le Théâtre National de Luxembourg
2014 - 2016 D’Revue (théâtre) création vidéo
1996 - 2022 e-Lake VeeJay @ Open Air festival, Echternach
2011 Beating the drum au Vibraktion Festival avec NU UNRUH (Einstürzende Neubauten), Rockhal
2009 Retour des papillons première mondiale, composition de Albena Petrovic-Vratchanska, Philharmonie
2005 Dance towards the future avec DJ Spooky, ouverture Philharmonie
Installations & exhibitions, selection
2021 "Deconstruction” Light-Art installation – Bâtiment 4 – Cueva / Esch-Alzette
2020 "Under construction” Light-Art installation – Annexe22 - Capitale Européenne de la Culture Esch 2022
2020 "LS1535" Mapping light sculpture with TT-Leozolt – Exposition collective Fuel Box / Howald
2019 "LS1535" Mapping light sculpture with TT-Leozolt – Porte ouverte - 1535°C Creative Hub / Differdange
2018 "Fiat Lux" Installation dans l’église de Stolzembourg
2018 "Lebenswert Arbeit" Vidéo-mapping installation – Ausstellung 200 Jahre Karl Marx Bistumsmuseum / Trier
2017 Vidéo-mapping installation – Uecht – Cueva / Esch-Alzette
2015 Vidéo-mapping installation – Ouverture officielle – 1535°C Creative Hub / Differdange
2010 Sculptures en pierre, photos, TV-installations – 101010 – Kulturschapp / Walferdange
2007 "passage – egassap" – vidéo, construction – 070707 – Hall P. Würth LX5-Homebase / Luxembourg
2007 “Forbidden things” – tobogan, couleur - Sharing common playground – Hall des soufflantes / Belval
2006 “The gallery is open” – vidéo, éclairage, chauffages – Exhibiting Transformation / Esch-Alzette
2006 "6 cycles" – vidéo, vélo – 060606 – Galerie QG Salzinsel, KuFA / Esch-Alzette
2005 "Bistro virtuel" – vidéo – Nuits des musées – Casino, Forum d’art contemporain / Luxembourg
2005 "Studio"– vidéo, dia, photo, meubles, billard – 050505 ou Assiégé(r) – Anc. Chapelle du Rham / Luxbg.
2004 "Bathroom installation" – vidéo – International Konschtdeeg Hoferlin42 / Esch-Alzette
2002 “Balearica Pavonina” – éclairage, grue de chantier – Niklooseck / Luxembourg
2002 “Container” – vidéo avec container – invité au salon du LAC – LuxExpo / Luxembourg
References, selection
VeeJaying - collaborations with DJ’s & other artists :
International : Sven Väth (D) - Westbam (D) - Monika Kruse (D) - Chris Liebing (D) - Moguai (D) - Tomcraft (D) - Mark Spoon (D) - Miss Yetti (D) - DJ Karotte (D) - DJ Donna Summer (D) - DJ Taucher (D) - DJ Roger 23 (D) - TT Hacky (D) - DJ Lancelot (D) - Jazzanova (D) - Ricoloop (D) - Dictaphone (F) - Josia Loos (D) - NU UNRUH (Einstürzende Neubauten) - Aronas (NZ-GB) - Les Tambours du Bronx (F) - DJ Rush (USA) - DJ Spooky (USA) - Ed Rush (UK) - Ken Ishi (Japan) - Space DJZ (UK) - Dave Angel (UK) - DJ Paul Edge (UK) - DJ Maxwell George (UK) - Miss Kittin (F) - The Hacker (F) - Kenny Loco (B) - DJ Lucca (CZ) - Michael Burian (CZ) - DJ Remy (NL) - DJ Ron v.d. Beuken (NL) - Saskia Laroo (NL) - Funkubine (NL) - Dwayne Sodahberg (S) - DJ Gerald Belanger (Can) - Daemonia (I) - DJ Vincenco Binzi (I) - Katharina Bihler (D)
Luxembourg: Quiet Flynt - Pierrick Grobéty - Sandy Flinto - Arthur Stammet - Chantal Maquet - Giovanni Zazzera - Rihanon Morgan - Emmanuel Fleitz - Miss Sappho - Dj Riven -– Marion Rothaar - Serge Tonnar - Orchestre Philharmonique du Luxembourg - United Instruments of Lucilin - EVL - André Mergenthaler - Kalima - - DJ Marino - DJ Michel Van Tune - Ionic - Veste - Alekc - Dr. Gonzo - DJ Steve R.I.O.T. - Miss Pitch - Franky de Reuter - Foolproof - DJ Bazooka - DJ Chook - DJ Radic - DJ No Side - Mad Mike - Zamrate - Sonic Attack Soundsystem - Anais Soundsystem - Monaural - Ede Wolf - Hidden - NazzNazz - LegoTrip – Lisa Berg - Nathalie Zlatnik - Patricia Lippert - Ren Schroeder - The’d Johans - Claude Frisoni - Gerard Claude - Guy Hary - Jemp Bastin, …
Institutions, Clubs, Bars & Festivals :
International: Electricity-Festival - « Lux » VeeJay-Preis - Kunstsilo - Kitu-Club - Hard-Wax Record-shop – Theater im Viertel TIV – KuBa – Liquid Penguin Ensemble / Saarbrücken (D) --- Europäische Kunstakademie - AugenWald-Galerie / Trier (D) --- BIFFF/Belgian International Fantastic Film Festival / Brussels (B) --- Alliances Française en Chine (Hangzou, Wuhan & Dalhian) – Prager Theaterfestival deutscher Sprache.
Luxembourg : ViArt - Bombyx - Cueva - Esch2022 Capitale de la culture Européenne – ILL - 1535°C Creative Hub - Philharmonie – Bâtiment IV - ECTO - Lucoda - Ancien cinéma - Odo Sonoritas - Les amis du château de Beaufort - Mudam - Casino-Forum d’Art contemporain - Rockhal - Kulturfabrik – Walfer Kulturschapp - LuxExpo - den Atelier - CCRN - Commune de Mamer - Luxembourg & Grande Région-capitale européenne de la culturelle 2007 - Utopolis - Cinémathèque - Festival du film social - Radio ARA - Cercle municipal - Place Guillaume II - Galerie 19rouge - Greenpeace - Mono Record Shop - Urban-Bar - Marx-Bar - Melusina-Club - Pulp-Club - Mesa Verde - Louis Vuitton - Art in Beaufort - Fête de la musique - Festival Printemps Musical - e-lake - Cinénygma - Abraxas - Nuits des musées - Galerie Alimentation Générale - Théâtre Esch-sur-Alzette - Théatre National de Luxembourg – Kasemattentheater - OGBL – DanceXperience asbl - Nuit de la Culture Esch-Alzette – Lycée du Nord.
Commercial customers (video productions, live performances, consulting) :
Luxembourg: Sebes - CK-Business Center - Ministère des Sports - LuxGSM - Cegedel - Ville de Luxembourg - Kulturfabrik - Croix Rouge luxembourgeoise - Stop Aids Now asbl - P&T Luxembourg - Price Waterhouse Coopers - Philharmonie - Luxlait - Théatre National de Luxembourg - Explorator City Guide - mke - Crédit agricole - Interact - Concept Factory - FPC/Fédération des professionels de la communication - Samsa-Film - Snow Bord Association - Accentaigu - Expo2000 Hanover - Caritas - PWC